Introducing Frank Philosophy on YouTube

I am excited to announce the launch of my new YouTube channel, Frank Philosophy, a platform dedicated to making philosophy accessible and engaging to a wider audience by guiding viewers through the dense and often challenging texts that form the bedrock of philosophical thought. Rather than offering quick summaries or simplified explanations, my aim is to provide in-depth, long-form discussions “Let’s reads” that do justice to the complexity and nuance of these works. Think something between an audiobook and a lecture.

Whether you are a seasoned philosopher looking to deepen your knowledge or a curious newcomer eager to explore the fundamental questions of existence, Frank Philosophy has something to offer. Pop on an episode while you’re driving, cooking a meal, or winding down for the night, and let yourself be drawn into the captivating world of philosophical contemplation.

In addition to pre-recorded videos, I also plan to host live streams where we can engage in real-time discussions and debates. I’m hoping to cultivate a vibrant community of thinkers and learners.

This format and project is utterly experimental, so feedback is most welcome and support is appreciated perhaps now more than ever while I’m getting things off the ground. I’ve got one video live right now, a few more scheduled to drop later this week, and many more in the works. I hope you’ll check things out, stay a while, and ideally share far and wide!

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